eCommerce Website

Showing 1-9 of 13 results
DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Leveraging Fitts’ Law: User Interface Design Principles for E-commerce

By Alexandre Brito

Apply this midcentury mathematical law to e-commerce UI design and convert visitors into customers.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

Think Business: How to Increase Your Designer Value

By Damola Taiwo

The principles that govern design are foreign to many business leaders but it takes more than shiny deliverables to span the knowledge gap. Designers must translate design value into business value.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Paving the Path to Purchase: E-commerce UX Best Practices

By Micah Bowers

Mobile e-commerce may be the future, but desktop sites are digital gold mines. To engage shoppers, boost product value, and unlock more revenue, designers must master these e-commerce UX best practices.

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DesignIcon ChevronMobile Design

Mobile E-commerce Best Practices for UX (with Infographic)

By Miklos Philips

E-commerce sites and apps that are not mindful of mobile e-ommerce best practices will be left in the dust and stand to lose billions. But successful mobile e-commerce experiences can be achieved by following these mobile e-commerce UX design best practices (with infographic).

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

E-commerce UX: An Overview of Best Practices (with Infographic)

By Miklos Philips

74% of businesses believe that UX is important for improving sales, yet billions are lost due to shopping cart and checkout abandonment—when it comes to e-commerce UX, shoppers still tend to be considered last.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Prominent E-commerce Trends and Their Influence on Design (with Infographic)

By Miklos Philips

Many exciting trends in e-commerce are on the horizon, from AI and AR to chatbots and voice ordering. The future of e-commerce will be shaped by trailblazing tech and savvy UX design (with infographic).

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

E-commerce 101: Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment (with Infographic)

By Micah Bowers

An illuminating infographic highlights ten e-commerce pain points that ruin the user experience and lead to shopping cart abandonment.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The Ultimate Guide to E-commerce Website Design

By Yej Lee

Designing an e-commerce site is not just about building a website to sell products but designing a pleasant online shopping experience. This comprehensive guide walks us through the best practices.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Shopify Design Tips and UX Best Practices

By Stan Prysiazhniuk

Shopify merchants have achieved more than $40 billion in sales, but with poorly executed UX design being one of the biggest contributors to abandoned checkouts, it’s clear that superior UX can boost this statistic even further.

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