Quang Van, Developer in Boston, MA, United States

Quang Van

Software Developer

Boston, MA, United States
Toptal Member Since
July 18, 2016

Quang enjoys creating beautiful software with equally impressive code. Along with possessing a talent for understanding and refactoring large codebases, he believes in best practices, small functions, and white space. Quang has over 15 years of experience working for marketing, SaaS, healthcare, and crypto companies. He's also founded companies and created social networks, SPAs, membership sites, and marketing tools.

Quang is available for hire
Hire Quang


Absent Software
Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Webpack, Elm, ClojureScript, Redux, React, Vue...
Immutable.js, Redux-Saga, Redux, React
Alere, Inc.
Mocha, Grunt, Backbone.Marionette, React, CoffeeScript


Boston, MA, United States



Preferred Environment

Ubuntu, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...things I've done were a React/Redux front end for a cryptocurrency-trading platform, a disruptive WebRTC doctor/patient app, and an Angular productivity app.

Work Experience

2015 - PRESENT


Absent Software
  • Helped clients build and launch their web apps.
  • Creating a SaaS information manager using Angular, TypeScript, Angular-Material and Akita.
  • Implemented features for a WebRTC app using React.
  • Developed the client's apps to be SEO-friendly using Isomorphic React, React Router, and Webpack.
  • Explored Electron and Redux to turn web apps into desktop apps.
  • Developed dental marketplace web app with Ruby on Rails and React from concept to implementation.
  • Incorporated data-driven technologies such as GraphQL, React-Apollo, and AWS AppSync.
  • Explored new languages like ClojureScript, Elm, and ReasonML.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Webpack, Elm, ClojureScript, Redux, React, Vue, TypeScript, Angular
2017 - 2018

Principal Front-end Engineer

  • Created the front-end architecture for a cryptocurrency trading platform; starting from mockups all the way to production.
  • Tied together various React-ecosystem libraries including Redux, Redux-saga, and React-Router.
  • Implemented a real-time crypto-currency conversion service based on current conversion tables.
  • Developed a wallet feature including the ability to send and receive various cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Lumens, and Ethereum.
  • Implemented Google Authenticator in the front end.
Technologies: Immutable.js, Redux-Saga, Redux, React
2013 - 2014

Senior Front-end Engineer

Alere, Inc.
  • Worked daily in CoffeeScript, Handlebars, and Backbone.Marionette; implemented features from design with an Agile team.
  • Built new features with React and Delorean.js (Flux).
  • Converted over 150 files and 10,000 lines into Require.js AMD modules.
  • Performed unit testing with Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.js.
  • Refactored Backbone Views to Marionette.
  • Created SVG Immunization bar graphs.
  • Implemented over 1,100 commits in 2013, and worked on feature development, bug fixes, and re-architecture.
  • Worked in Node.js creating Grunt tasks and Express.js middleware.
  • Helped hire and onboard new web development team members.
Technologies: Mocha, Grunt, Backbone.Marionette, React, CoffeeScript
2010 - 2014


  • Worked with many JavaScript MV* frameworks such as Express.js, Backbone.js, Spine, Ember.js, and Angular.
  • Experimented with real-time JavaScript frameworks: Meteor, Derby.js, and Socket.IO library.
  • Worked with new declarative frameworks: Vue.js, Ractive.js, and React.
  • Gained experience with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, Redis, and Neo4j.
  • Worked with Grunt, Gulp, and continuous deployment.
  • Performed new refactorings in Django/Python.
Technologies: Django, Python, AngularJS, Ember.js, React, MongoDB, Neo4j, Backbone.js, Express.js
2012 - 2013

Software Engineer

Carbonite, Inc.
  • Worked as a member of Carbonite's Currents Agile team using Scrum.
  • Worked on front-end parallel development for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • Utilized Backbone.js models to interact with a RESTful API.
  • Advocated and used Knockout.js as a front-end web framework.
  • Used CSS, Sass, Compass, and Susy for maintainable stylesheets and responsive web design.
  • Worked occasionally on Mono C# .NET debugging with Eclipse.
Technologies: Sass, CSS, HTML, .NET, C#, JavaScript, Backbone.js, Knockout (Knockout.js)
2008 - 2011


Stratechi Partners
  • Coded and launched various PHP web apps including article submitters, business rewards, and survey sites.
  • Worked with LAMP stack, Linux (Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu) Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
  • Worked heavily with jQuery and JavaScript.
  • Created custom WordPress themes and worked with Drupal.
  • Implemented the redesigns of existing sites; improving navigation and usability.
  • Worked in Python CherryPy (a web framework) and IronPython.net for a desktop app.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, jQuery, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Apache, MySQL, PHP
2006 - 2007

Web Developer

Chitika, Inc.
  • Designed and developed the first MySpace ad unit, Chitika Owna—which is a jQuery UI-focused ad.
  • Developed the new user interface for members to customize the design of ad units; built it with PHP and jQuery.
  • Worked with outsourced designers to build customized WordPress templates launching the company blog.
  • Developed a word-match app using Macromedia Flex framework for a contest.
Technologies: PHP-Nuke, WordPress, CSS, HTML, jQuery, PHP
2001 - 2004


  • Launched an online social network for users to express themselves.
  • Utilized LAMP technologies such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP for the back end and HTML, CSS, and jQuery for the front end.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Apache, MySQL, PHP


Contributions to Page.js

Page.js is a popular client-side router. My PR helped to implement the #! (hashbang) URL option which enabled support for static web hosts as well as older browsers.

Contributions to Mocha.js

Mocha.js is a leading JavaScript test framework, and I added a flag to ignore global leaks.

Contributions to AWS Mobile CLI

I contributed to Amazon's open-source project AWS Mobile CLI.

Contributions to the Clean-Webpack-Plugin

A Clean-Webpack-plugin is a plugin for a popular Node.js bundler Webpack that deletes project folders as needed. There was a nasty oversight that allowed it to delete any folder, the complete project as well as any root folder. I was compelled to prevent someone from making this mistake.

Contributions to DeLorean.js

DeLorean is a Flux implementation for the React framework.
Search the page for "quangv."


A Pomodoro-technique time-tracker. It's built using React and Parse.com.

Shirt Sizes | Sample Project

A sample project demonstrating TDD with React and Redux.

Bootstrap Sales Page

A Bootstrap sales page that demonstrates my front-end work, HTML/CSS, and Bootstrap.



XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, SCSS, Less, Sass, CSS3, CoffeeScript, GraphQL, ES8, Pug, TypeScript, C#, Reason ML, Clojure, Elm, Ruby, IronPython, Python, PHP, SQL, XML


Redux, ZURB Foundation, Chrome, Materialize, Foundation CSS, Bootstrap, Flux, Underscore.String, Jinja, Delorean.js, Bootstrap 3, Express.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Jasmine, Jest, Django, Selenium, Prototype Framework, Knockout (Knockout.js), Hapi.js, Angular, AngularJS, .NET, ClojureScript, Re-frame, Ampersand.js, Ember.js, Angular Material


Moment.js, Immutable.js, React, React Router, Lodash, Mustache, Handlebars, Underscore.js, Marionette.js, Backbone.Marionette, Backbone.js, jQuery, Vue, Node.js, Redux-Saga, Vuex, Hogan.js, Chai, RequireJS, Evernote API, jQuery UI, Ractive.js, jQuery Validation, LocalStorage, Seneca.js, Socket.IO, Polymer, Animate.css, GSAP, Restify, YUI, Redux-loop, PhantomJS, jQuery Mobile, Modernizr, Bing API, Google Maps JavaScript API 3


JSX, Redux Thunk, Git, Balsamiq Mockups, Balsamiq, Grunt, Stylus, Bitbucket, Spine, Webpack, GitHub, Trello, React Apollo, Create React App, Vim Text Editor, Chrome Developer Tools, NPM, AWS AppSync, Bower Front-end Dependency Manager, Bower, Gulp, Browserify, Google Docs, Microsoft Excel, FogBugz, CVS, Mercurial, Subversion (SVN), Rally, Confluence, Mocha, Basecamp, Babel, Pivotal Tracker, Jira, Angular CLI, Emacs, Flow, Eclipse IDE, Apache, Cucumber, Jenkins


Responsive Web Design (RWD), BEM, SMACSS, Kanban, REST, Agile, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Continuous Deployment, Scrum


Parse, Firebase, Meteor, WordPress, PHP-Nuke, Debian, Drupal, Heroku, Debian Linux, MacOS, Ubuntu, CentOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


JSON, PouchDB, NoSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Neo4j


Isomorphic, Semantic UI, Fluxible, Mockups, DHTML, Game Development, Front-end Development, Styled-components, Apollo, User Experience (UX), Bluebird, Async.js, BSON, Google Material Design, Elm Architecture, SVG